Fellow Way~showers, warriors, light~workers of the world ~ the time is now! It is time to get past our fears and start doing what we came here to do. The old paradigm is fading, old beliefs are no longer acceptable. This is a NEW WORLD we are stepping into and we are the ones to show the way. We really need to connect and be present with the Divine, opening both our hearts and minds. Learn to trust your intuition and follow it's guidance for it truly is the voice of your I AM presence. Time is speeding up, lessons that would have taken a year to learn through experience are taking less than a week. We as a group are awakening at record speed and we are the ones to show the way. Most of what we know about god and the planet's history is not truth or is old information that will not work in our new paradigm. Discernment is necessary, listen to your heart and feel if the information you are receiving is truth. You can tell the difference as you sit at a lecture, watch a video, read a book or a post online, the energy is flat, there's no movement. That is when you need to take a moment to connect to the Divine and ask “what is the lesson here?” Listen to that voice, it is the voice of truth, the confirmation is in your heart. You also know in your heart what you need to do. Many of us have spent so much time saying “I don't know what I'm here for. I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing!” all the while the voice of truth keeps quietly repeating the answer and fear blocks it from registering. Take a step out of your comfort zone and just do it! We are supported now, there really is nothing to fear. Share your light, share your love, share your “gifts”, share your insights! The world needs you! Show the way! We really ARE the ones we've been waiting for!
Namaste ~ <3 ~
Kili'Amma (Kelly Murphy)
Namaste ~ <3 ~
Kili'Amma (Kelly Murphy)