I am a Divine being of light. I came into this lifetime as an “indigo.” What that means is I came in awake and kept the veil lifted until it was reprogrammed out of me. I knew things before they would happen, I talked to my “invisible” friends, and I remember seeing and talking with Jesus (it was actually Sananda, but I couldn't pronounce it) among other beings of light while I was still in a crib. As a child, I also astral ~traveled in my sleep to help other children who were being used in dark magic. I began having a variety of issues spiritually and emotionally from “jumping into” one particular child for several years, it was something I did not discuss, because the few times I mentioned it, I got dismissed as “imaginative.” Then one day when I was 13 a boy I was friends with started working energetically on me. After a while, I no longer had the memories from my night travels and the “side effects” were gone. Of course by this time, so was my “vision,” after being told by adults that I was imagining things my whole life, I had put up a block. I could still “hear” my unseen friends, but no longer see them. As I got older, the less I tuned in and seemingly lost connection. I would still have premonition dreams, and strong “gut feelings” but that was it.
In my late 20's, I got into christianity. Really into it. I was going 2or 3 times a week! I dove into the teachings of Joyce Meyer and rekindled that “personal relationship” with Jesus she likes to talk about. The funny thing with that was, as I talked to Jesus, he actually answered me! I could hear him again! And what he taught me varied quite a bit from what the pastor was saying. He would point out the difference between was was meant and what was actually written. I was led to the lost gospels and after studying for a few years, I started slipping from the church. Then I started dating a pagan, who would plant seeds in my head, but never pushed me. After that ended, I packed up and moved to the beach where in my newly awakened joy and wonder, I decided to open a metaphysical shop. In Alabama, the buckle of the bible belt. That summer before the shop opened, I was on a turbo charged learning spree. I devoured book after book on everything from astrology to healing with energy, shamanism, past lives, wicca, and of course one of my passions, crystals. There were only 3 shops in the town I lived in, and there wasn't really many classes that called to me, so I had to rely on my guides, books, internet, and new-found friends. I was blessed with a great teacher who was the main reader at my shop. Through working with him I was able to remove the psychic blocks I had put up and I started doing readings. I did/do card readings, angel, tarot, and destiny. Although, the best information always came through in just a general conversation. The words would just fall out of my mouth! Over the years I have worked on becoming a clear channel and now am able to provide private readings along with posting planetary messages on my blog.
As a child, I always knew I would be a teacher and a “doctor”, but of course that is not the case as traditional medicine goes. I am a reiki master who has moved past the traditional ways. In healing sessions, I open myself as an open vessel to the Divine and channel the energy through as directed by the assisting guides and angels. I also work with crystals, rattles, tuning forks, essential oils, herbs, and toning as directed.
My passion is to help others on their path of awakening. I am here to assist, inform, and to help you find your way back to You.