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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I asked my guides for some insight on the current energies I/we have been experiencing... This is the acceleration you have been waiting for. This is the end of the darkness. These solar energies are helping to raise the vibration of not just this planet, but the whole solar system. With these incoming energies your bodies are also adjusting, coming more online with the Christ Consciousness grid. Many of you are experiencing a variety of symptoms, headaches, strong stabbing pains, sore throats, upper back and neck pain, sinus congestion or drainage, fatigue, and even cold symptoms. Most of this is caused by your body's vibration rising. As your vibration rises, the energy flow gets lighter and must clear out the denser energies, causing these symptoms. As you purge the lower energies from your bodies, the discomfort will dissipate. Take a few moments several times a day to breathe deep and focus on your heart, breathing in love and exhaling peace. Might we suggest using rosemary and lavender essential oils around your neck and throat areas to ease the energy flow and discomfort. A sea salt bath using the same oils will also be effective. As you are receiving these raw bursts of solar energy, realize it is assisting you in reaching your dreams. As your vibrations rise, you will manifest your thoughts quickly. Remember this! That which you think and believe will happen, will! That which you call forth with your voice will manifest when the vibration is right. Remember this as you go through your day and pay attention to the words you say and the thoughts you think. Some of you are thinking this is only in terms of “things”. We want you to understand this IT IS IN ALL THINGS YOU THOUGHTS AND WORDS CREATE YOUR LIFE! Thinking poorly about another can and will affect that relationship. Thinking something as simple as receiving poor service at a restaurant will attract that situation. Catch yourself, retrain yourself how to think and relearn how to be the master creator you truly are! Think love and be the love that you are to yourself and others! ~ We are the Counsil of Seven Channeled 10/25/11 Kili Amma

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Message From The Divine Mother 9/25/2011

Beloveds we are here to share with you the upcoming changes in this new moon cycle with the comet Elenin coming in. We ask that you connect with the Unity Grid and send love and peace to counter balance the fear based thoughts before they manifest. For those of you that are the front runners you are heading into a major shift, you will be passing thru the eye of the needle and coming out on the other side. Physically you will not feel anything different, you will notice a few changes in appetite, a few energy surges, the usual ascension symptoms. But mentally, psychically, emotionally and wholeness wise, you will feel the difference. You will find that you are able to connect more completely. The information you receive will be clear, you will not be fighting as much to receive the information and as you stay on the positive and loving thought levels, you will se that alll your dreams will manifest and manifest quickly. You will see that your faith and hope was not in vain and you will start reaping your harvest. As always, be patient with yourself as you go thru these changes. Be sure to reconnect to your heart space anytime you are feeling anything that is not love. Remember to call on us for anything that you may require. And thru this shift remember you are love, you are loved, you are whole, and I love you. Namaste'

Divine Mother
channeled by Kili' Amma

Divine Mother