Wednesdays @ 2pm central

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Friday, January 20, 2012

A Message From The Divine Mother & St. Germain 14dec2011.wmv - YouTube

Yay! Just finished my second video! This is the Message from the Divine Mother on 2012
A Message From The Divine Mother & St. Germain 14dec2011.wmv - YouTube

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Energy Transmission 13Jan12.wmv - YouTube

Whoo~hoo! Friday's energy transmission is now on youtube!
Energy Transmission 13Jan12.wmv - YouTube

The Divine Mother on Relationships

Beloveds, today we are her to speak with you about relationships. Relationships with friends, family, and lovers. We know that for most of you this is a hard topic. For so many lifetimes you have descended into the darkness to experience that which you are not. You are Love. In order for you to feel this you had to lower your vibration enough to disconnect yourself from the Love that you are. Through many lifetimes you have taken turns being all personalities, all sides of a relationship. You have been both the loved and unloved, victim and victimizer, dominant and submissive. Now beloveds is the time to assimilate all you have learned and become the love that you are. Stand true to yourself. Stand in your heart and know that you are love and worthy of love. If you are in a toxic relationship, now is the time to stand your ground. How can you grow to your fullest potential when you are holding yourself back?

Many of you who have chosen to come in as a female this lifetime are working through all the emotional and energetic purging of lifetimes of mistreatment. With the Divine Feminine energies fully open and balancing throughout the planet, the females of the planet must also find their balance and release all the dominating masculine influence. This means that you MUST stand in your own power. Claim your divinity. Release the old relationship patterns. You are a Divine Goddess! If you find yourself in a relationship that is draining you, making you second guess yourself, or disrespectful, it is time to find that beautiful Goddess inside you and take a stand! The feminine has been suppressed since the fall of Atlantian times. Women were turned into lower class beings by the imbalance of masculine power. Through this many atrocities have been committed. Women must be brought back to their equality especially in relationships.

There are many men who have incarnated at this this that are also trying to find their balance. The old dominating ways are not working anymore. Women are standing on their own two feet and not taking the games men have been playing with them for ages. Now is the time for the Divine Masculine to fully support the Divine Feminine and vice versa.

For a good relationship there MUST be equality and respect. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Show love and compassion. Think of the other person and put yourself in their shoes as you say. If you would not like to be treated the way you treat others, why would you expect them to like it? Everyone you meet is another you. Treat them with the same love and respect you expect. Always come from your heart, but balance it with you mind. We ask that in all relationships you put yourself first, not in a selfish way, but take care of you before you take care of others.

Relationships are based on love, caring, respect, and mutual interests. They are not manipulative, full of distrust, harsh words, disrespect or abuse. Listen to your friend, lover, partner...really listen and hear what they are saying. That is the relating part of relationships. Be good to each other and love one another.

Divine Mother

Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Message I Received Regarding Twin Flames

This is part of some personal information I was given a few months back. I was asking about my Twin Flame, because it seemed our meeting time had been postponed...again. After re~reading it a few minutes ago, I realized that the answer given me from my guides was something others may benefit from. While they did explain that everything is still on track, no worries, but we're keeping the 2 of you separate until you are standing in your own light. It will not work otherwise. Twin Flames MUST be equal pillars when they reunite, otherwise it can be toxic. Love the one your with, it's ok. Just remember you are your own person, you belong to you, you are the key to your own joy, peace, happiness, success. If you are suddenly having abnormally strong emotions about someone or something, take a few minutes to meditate on it. Do not disregard anything that comes to mind. Feel out the truth of that thought or idea, feel it in your heart. You will know if the thought is truth or not. Do not be surprised if what comes up is a past life memory, forgive, send some infinite love and gratitude and release. Free yourself, free your mind, free your life! is the time for clearing up all lives on earth.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Channelings From the Divine 01/11 by Kili Amma | Blog Talk Radio

Great message from Archangel Michael yesterday! He discussec many of the upcoming earth changes, shifts in consciousness, and tips for ascension.
Channelings From the Divine 01/11 by Kili Amma | Blog Talk Radio

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Channelings From the Divine 12/28 by Kili Amma | Blog Talk Radio

This week's message is from the Divine Mother speaking about the major planetary shifts and the battle lightworkers are having with the darkness. At minute 14 The Divine Mother walks us through breaking contracts with any entity not of the light. This will also be on my website

I pray the information that has come through will assist you on your path. Namaste

Channelings From the Divine 12/28 by Kili Amma | Blog Talk Radio