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Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Message I Received Regarding Twin Flames

This is part of some personal information I was given a few months back. I was asking about my Twin Flame, because it seemed our meeting time had been postponed...again. After re~reading it a few minutes ago, I realized that the answer given me from my guides was something others may benefit from. While they did explain that everything is still on track, no worries, but we're keeping the 2 of you separate until you are standing in your own light. It will not work otherwise. Twin Flames MUST be equal pillars when they reunite, otherwise it can be toxic. Love the one your with, it's ok. Just remember you are your own person, you belong to you, you are the key to your own joy, peace, happiness, success. If you are suddenly having abnormally strong emotions about someone or something, take a few minutes to meditate on it. Do not disregard anything that comes to mind. Feel out the truth of that thought or idea, feel it in your heart. You will know if the thought is truth or not. Do not be surprised if what comes up is a past life memory, forgive, send some infinite love and gratitude and release. Free yourself, free your mind, free your life! is the time for clearing up all lives on earth.

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