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Friday, May 4, 2012

Crazy Energies and the Counsil of Seven

On Wednesday's “Channelings From the Divine”, The Divine Mother had mentioned that the next 6 weeks were going to be chaotic energetically. After experiencing a severe headache Wednesday night that knocked me out for 11 hours, foods I regularly eat disagreeing with me, followed by another 12 hours of sleep, extreme sensitivity to emotions (mine and others), and weird tinglings here and there, some felt like acupuncture, I decided to ask the “unseens” what was going on. First and foremost I (we if it fits you too) are not going crazy! Yay! And our bodies are not possessed (unless of course yours is in which I would regain possession, just saying ;) We are however changing dramatically inside. This is the information I received from the Counsil of Seven:

Dear ones,
There are many energetic shifts coming thru at this time. For many who are the front runners this energy is hitting you hard right now. These shifts are altering your physical vessels severely. Your 12 strands of dna are being fully activated. Energy centers that have been closed/blocked are being cleared and activated. Your brain is being rewired to enable the de~calcification of the pineal gland. You are transforming into a fifth dimensional being as we speak. With this comes physical symptoms such as exhaustion, inability to concentrate or focus, “seeing things” glimpses thru the veil (seeing ghosts, angels, colors, etc), change of diet, and extreme restlessness with life. It is necessary at this time for you to rest your body. SLEEP. This is what the physical vessel requires for this reboot. We know there are many of you who push your bodies and minds too hard and will fight this, with love we ask you to rest for your own comfort and ease of shift, for your body does require it...

During the next 6 weeks the energies will be shifting constantly and emotions will run high. For all of these energetic and physical changes to be made, the body must release it's toxins, including toxic emotions. Know that every being on this planet is going thru these cellular changes, be gentle with each other. If tensions run high take a few moments and breathe and think before reacting. You have that choice to react in anger and magnify anger energy, or react in love and dissipate it. This is a time when it is extremely important to find YOUR balance and take care of YOU first. You are here for a reason and you cannot be of service if you are in need of service.

In Light,
The Counsil of Seven

I hope this information helps you to understand the shifts that you are going through and by all means seek medical attention if necessary.

Kili Amma