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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Awakening

Around the age of 20, I ended a 4 year relationship and took off for Cincinnati. For many years I was caught up in working for a living, making huge relationship mistakes and drowning my sorrows in alcohol along with other things. When I was around 27 I met a guy at work who was from California. He reintroduced me to rocks and crystals, which I am extremely grateful for. Somehow I had lost that connection to mother earth. When I was a kid, much to my parents dismay, I would always collect rocks while we were camping and hiking in Alaska. I guess when I dived into the 3d earth in my teens, I lost that connection. Anyway, after the relationship ended, I met a woman at work who taught me more about crystals and planted the seeds for my awakening. She was from a Native American background and brought me into a deeper study of crystals, clearing out stress with burning sage, and turned me onto some pretty cool books. He Walked the Americas had stories from Native American tribes about Jesus, not necessarily using that name, but the same being none the less. That kind of helped me to get out of my dogma. Love is in the Earth is still a book I use for references to crystal healing, very informative! Animal speaks taught me how to understand messages from the animal kingdom, such as hawk meaning you're about to get a message and cardinal could mean either get in touch with your feminine side or some one close to you is trying to get your attention. Through her I was introduced to Native American beliefs and practices, not to mention a very cool shop in Milford, Oh. called Spirit Wind. They had the usual, rocks & crystals, sage, incense, awesome native music, etc and an energy healer. I asked questions about the healings, but still being stuck in my Christian dogma, I was afraid of it (kinda funny looking back all things considered, lol). She also taught me about medicine bags and made me my first one. Our friendship faded due to drama at work, but I am ever so grateful for the seeds she planted!

When I was around 30, I had my first paradigm quake. I was a devout Christian at this point. Went to church twice a week, mainly for the music. I listened to Christian radio, watched and read Joyce Meyer, bought cd’s by Third Day, Rich Mullins, Counting Crowns. I was SAVED! Amen! Now I wasn’t one to wear skirts and all that stuff, actually I wore my Renaissance Costume there a few times (I was a wench, lol). I also carried a medicine bag and a few handfuls of crystals. Needless to say, it was a rather progressive church. Solely focused on God’s love, no fire and brimstone, no condemnation, just love and a rockin band.

During the sermons I noticed the pastor used verses from many different versions of the bible. Curiosity got me, so I went to the bible store and compared a few verses between versions and noticed some broad differences. That was when I started collecting bibles. I had to compare everything I read in several versions. Then I found the lost books of the bible. Most of what I read in there felt true, like love, joy. I knew in my heart something in me shifted. Everyday after I did my daily study, I would curl up in my big comfy chair to pray, Joyce Meyer told me I didn‘t have to kneel. I would calm my breath, try ever so hard to focus, and beg Jesus to make me his instrument, let me be his hands and feet, where ever you need me let me be there, and on and on…So one day I shut up and listened. Really listened. I knew I was talking to Jesus, I felt it in my heart. It took a bit to be able to still myself enough to hear, but I did. He would lead me to certain scriptures so I could learn the difference between what he really said and what the church/ruling parties changed in order to control the masses. That was a real eye opener! Everything he pointed out to me was about love, compassion and going within to contact the Divine. He showed me that every time one of the apostles would mention him taking a leadership role, he would tell him that’s not what he came here to do. There were several scriptures that he would draw me to that showed his disagreement with religions (sorry, over the years, I’ve forgotten the verses, one of the that comes to mind is when he went to the temple and overturned the money changers booths). Through this Jesus taught me “take what you need and leave the rest”.

I was still going to church through this time, taking what I needed and leaving the rest. My pastor  was awesome, you could see the Divine love in his eyes. If you’re in Cincinnati the church I went to was the Mason Vineyard on route 42. I would go to the big one in Tri- county just for the music, their band rocked!

When I was 31 I decided to open a flea market shop. I carried oil burners, oils, candles and holders, crosses, angels, dragons along with other knick nacks. While I was there I met an older man and fell for him hard and fast, talk about a soulmate reunion! Within a couple of months we moved in together and combined our booths for cheaper rent. He sold rocks, crystals and fossils. He followed Native American beliefs, well as long as it served him, anyway. I learned quite a bit from him so far as crystals went and he helped to make my foundations and shift my paradigm. While I was with him he introduced my to the pagan community, you can only imagine the mental freak out I was having as I listened to a wide varieties of beliefs that were not part of my Christian dogma. One day while I was alone at the flea market, I met a woman who had just started on a wiccan path. We talked for hours and she recommended a book called Witchcrafting by Phyllis Curott that told of the story of Lilith, the woman who was created before Eve, yet another story omitted from the bible. This of course got me searching other scriptures from other religions for Lilith because I needed confirmation. (If you are not familiar with Lilith, please google her). I started really studying other faiths at this point and began talking with my mate about opening a shop. He of course was leaning more toward that scary pagan stuff, I was wanting to have it as a place for all faiths including Christian since I was still in that mind set. That of course did not happen…

Not too long after that I took a vacation to Pensacola. While I was down here I found my way to the Earth Day festival and had my first aura photo taken. Keep in mind, I was still holding onto my Christian fears, but something made me do it ;) . Dale gave me a very interesting reading that was very accurate and got me more interested in metaphysics. They also had some interesting books and I purchased my first new age book 2012 You Have a Choice by Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa. Janis was selling the books and also had something called Egyptian Healing Rods, I was too fearful to try them (kinda funny looking back since I now own a pair and find them to be very effective). I started reading the book while I was down here, but didn’t get very far. When I got back to Cincinnati, I discovered that the guy I was so in love with had cheated on me and I decided I needed to start over. I was devastated, but now I know it was all about clearing some karma. So I moved to Pensacola mainly because my folks had a house down there and they let me move in. I spent the first week recovering from my heartbreak and reading that book. In it there was a section talking about manifestation and how your thought create what happens. At the time I was soaking up some sun on the beach, and I thought to myself that sound like bs to me. A few seconds later a flock of seagulls flew over and crapped on the book. LOL! That got my attention! I continued reading and doing some of the meditations in the book. When I finished it, I was starving for more information, so I went to the new age shop downtown. While I was there I got my first reading by Graybear, who was very accurate about my past, and as it turned out, my future as well. I also bought a ton of books, many by Ted Andrews, he was a great teacher, I highly recommend his books. I devoured everything I read and as I prayed/meditated on what I was reading, I got that feeling of joy and truth. (As a side note, since there wasn't a Vineyard church down here and my beliefs were shifting, I quit going to church.) And of course, as all of us who have just awakened feel, I had to share and help others to awaken and find their path. That was when I decided I would open a shop for people of all paths, pagan, Christian, wiccan, whatever. I wanted a place free of prejudice and filled with love. After a few months of searching, I found the perfect spot, cleared out my retirement and opened Indigo Skies…

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