Wednesdays @ 2pm central

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Channelings From the Divine 12/21 by Kili Amma | Blog Talk Radio

What an intense channel today! St Germain came thru with info on the next year, actual earth shifts, governmental deception, and more. Do give a listen, and remember, we have the power to change our world!

Channelings From the Divine 12/21 by Kili Amma | Blog Talk Radio

Monday, December 19, 2011

St Germain on Sustainable Living and the 12+1

 Finally! This is the continued channel from 12/14/11 St Germain came in in the last few minutes and had much to say. Please do listen to the show as well, the Divine Mother had much pertinent information for us as well. Also, there is a new page on my web site "Ascension Helpers" these are suggestions from the Divine Mother and other masters to help ease ascension symptoms

St. Germain~

Dear ones, there are many shifts coming. Some that will be very uncomfortable and challenging. We don't like to emphasize the difficulties, but we do want you to be aware. The governments are shifting into a period of darkness, it is up to you to change this, through your thoughts, prayers, and actions. Now is the time to make the changes that are necessary in your ruing parties. This is the time for the way~showers to rise and start leading. The old ways are falling. There must be a change in the way the world as a whole are living. Beloved Gaia cannot continue to be pillaged the way she has been. She cannot take the strain anymore. This can be seen in the rise of earth activity, earthquakes, flooding, etc. The people of the planet must switch to a more sustainable living in order to survive. There are many other solutions to powering your homes and cars. It is time for you to demand this from your governments. They have the technology, have been stealing the information from those we have provided it through, be it electricity, electric cars, water cars, homes, gardening, many, many other ways...the information has been provided and is being provided again through the Indigo and Crystal be~ings. As you see these technologies come to light, it is important to begin implementing them. There are self sustainable homes that are built out of refuse, tires, glass bottles, plastic bottles, amongst other ingredients. In these homes, you can grow your own food year round, the plumbing is self contained, the electric source can be solar, wind or any other new “green” invention. These particular homes, usually referred to as earth ships are inexpensive to build and can run completely as you say “off~grid.” It is recommended that new homes are built in this fashion and as older homes deteriorate, their windows and other recyclable items are set aside for construction of these earth ships. We are not saying to go in and destroy your cities, we are saying that as time evolves, the cities a re rebuilt into these sustainable homes. We are recommending switching your current energy sources to the new ways, for the fossil fuels that are being used are not good for the environment, not to mention the fact that draining the planets blood is causing tectonic plate shifts that would not be happening otherwise. It truly is imperative that the oil addiction of this world is broken before harsher planetary shifts are set in motion.
Now is the time for the light workers communities to start forming. Many of you are meeting other light-workers that you were unaware of in your community. As you connect, you will begin to see the grand scheme of things. You will feel the strong connections and you will be activating. By activating, we mean you will be remembering your Divine Purpose, rediscovering your gifts and abilities and working together to create this new world. There are groups forming that we refer to as the 12+1. The 12+1 is a group of light-workers that are going to be the light anchors. They will be working both as a group avatar and as individuals. These light-beings are here to assist the entire planet to ascend and make this shift as "easy" as possible. Many are just waking up, but are on such an accelerated path they are being led to these groups to assist, learn, and shake the dust off the ones who have become stagnate on their journey so they can shine their light brightly. As the groups come together they bring forth information from the 12 tribes, and share their knowledge, making their power stronger. Those in the group may not make their living thru metaphysics, they may be the organizers of the new tribal systems, farmers, etc. But these be~ings of light are the way~showers... They will activate others who are still sleeping, but it will be a quick activation, almost like turning on a switch. What St Germain is showing me is a map of the world with many single lights shining, being joined by others, and intensifying and spreading, filling the world with light.
Dear Ones, we are so proud of you for making it to this point! The shifts in consciousness that you have already initiated are phenomenal! We are so happy and excited to see you raising your vibrations and regaining the knowledge of Who You Are! Call on us for any assistance that you may need, no matter how insignificant you may feel it to be. We, the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Celestials of the Light, and even the elementals are here to assist you. Ask for help, ask for guidance. You are Loved and Supported All~ways!

Kili Amma

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Channelings From the Divine 12/14 by Kili Amma | Blog Talk Radio

What an awesome message! The Divine Mother came thru to discuss the newly awakened ones, how to assist them, the 12+1 groups that are forming world wide. Ascension symptoms and suggestions to lessen them. (I will have a page on my website about it in the next few days) She discussed several other things, but I have to listen to remember, as I am not fully conscious in channel. St Germain came in at the end with a message about earthships/sustainable homes & communities. He also mentioned the importance of gardening and storing food...

Channelings From the Divine 12/14 by Kili Amma | Blog Talk Radio

Monday, December 12, 2011

Energy Transmission 12/09 by Kili Amma | Blog Talk Radio

Wow! What an odd occurrance throughout the show! I was broadcasting from Johnson's Beach, as usual. There were very few cars and in the 45 min prior to the show starting, only 1 plane flew by. A few minutes before the show starts, I feel the energies start to channel through. Within a few minutes planes started to fly over, not just 1 or 2, several, constantly. They didn't stop until the energy quit flowing 30 minutes later. I stayed out there for 2 more hours, just reading, not doing any kind of energy work, during that time 2 or 3 planes flew over...

Energy Transmission 12/09 by Kili Amma | Blog Talk Radio

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Channelings From the Divine 12/07 by Kili Amma | Blog Talk Radio

Channelings From the Divine 12/07 by Kili Amma | Blog Talk Radio

Had a great channel from Archangel Michael! He discussed some of the government shifts we are seeing, manifestation and raising your vibration. He also guided us in a vibration raising mini meditation :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ascension Symptoms my personal account

As you may know, I do a weekly channeling show on btr after the show today, as I started to walk down to the beach I started to feel a little funky. Now during the channel today the Divine Mother had informed us about the more intense ascension symptoms that would be coming in as we get closer to the 12/12 gateway. It all seemed like the usual symptoms, chest congestion, sinus issues, hot flashes, etc. although she did say they were going to be more intense. Since I'm used to the symptoms and take them for what they are, I didn't think too much about it, I just figured it would be the same as usual or that for some the ones listening it may be more intense. Lol, not quite! I went back to my car and sat down, laid down really, across the front seat. I called on the Divine Mother “What is happening? Why do I feel so dizzy, weak, and absolutely on fire?” she smiled and replied “Beloved, this is what we were talking about when we said the symptoms would be more intense. Lay back and breathe.” Well, I can tell you, I thought I was dying! I could only lay there as these energies coursed through me. It felt as though my heart would burst, yet my pulse was normal. Sweat was pouring off me, I had already taken my coat off and it was only 50 degrees (F) out! It seemed the world was spinning, which was making me nauseous. I asked all of the unseens for their help to get through this. I felt the Divine Mother holding me, comforting me as I laid there. Then I started toning, first doing Ave Sa (Hail God) breath, breathing in on Ave, exhaling on Sa. That really helped to calm the heart area, as it's meant too. Then I started paying attention to what I was seeing energetically color wise. When it first started there was a kind of swirling rainbow, then as the discomfort increased it turned to a bright red that was flooded with white. After I called for help, the white increased then was mixed with emerald and violet. I focused on my breath and soon all I could see was violet. At this point I realized I had been chanting Om for a while, and continued on. After what seemed like minutes, and was really about two hours, I came fully back into my body (not really realizing I had left until that point). I stretched and walked around for a bit, to make sure I was ok, then went on my merry way. My body feels much lighter now and I can honestly say my heart has never felt so light and free!

~ Kili Amma

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Releasing to the Violet Flame

This evening as I was meditating St. Germain came to me and preformed a violet flame activation. He explained that the activation was anchoring the violet flame within my heart to radiate out to the rest of the world, transmuting whatever denser energies I come in contact with. The violet flame, he explained, is the equal balance of Divine feminine and masculine energies which allows for the shifting of energy back to Love. I continued to meditate for a while and let the energies flow, when I realized that there were some denser spots in my energetic field. Of course I tried directing the flame to it, but it would surround the area, never absorbing it. So I asked St. Germain how this was possible...

“While the violet flame does transmute energy, it can only transmute that which you give it access to. If you have, as you say, negative feelings toward something or someone, you MUST release it to the violet flame. You must release ALL of it. Thank it, bless it, and forgive it; be “it” just an emotion, situation, relationship, whatever it is, it must be released! Then, and only then will the denser energies be transmuted.”

For emphasis, I was shown a picture of Gollum from Lord of the Rings holding on to his “precious”. The ring representing the emotional baggage we tend to hold on to.

Hmmmm...time to go within and release, release, release...Again...
~ Kili Amma

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I asked my guides for some insight on the current energies I/we have been experiencing... This is the acceleration you have been waiting for. This is the end of the darkness. These solar energies are helping to raise the vibration of not just this planet, but the whole solar system. With these incoming energies your bodies are also adjusting, coming more online with the Christ Consciousness grid. Many of you are experiencing a variety of symptoms, headaches, strong stabbing pains, sore throats, upper back and neck pain, sinus congestion or drainage, fatigue, and even cold symptoms. Most of this is caused by your body's vibration rising. As your vibration rises, the energy flow gets lighter and must clear out the denser energies, causing these symptoms. As you purge the lower energies from your bodies, the discomfort will dissipate. Take a few moments several times a day to breathe deep and focus on your heart, breathing in love and exhaling peace. Might we suggest using rosemary and lavender essential oils around your neck and throat areas to ease the energy flow and discomfort. A sea salt bath using the same oils will also be effective. As you are receiving these raw bursts of solar energy, realize it is assisting you in reaching your dreams. As your vibrations rise, you will manifest your thoughts quickly. Remember this! That which you think and believe will happen, will! That which you call forth with your voice will manifest when the vibration is right. Remember this as you go through your day and pay attention to the words you say and the thoughts you think. Some of you are thinking this is only in terms of “things”. We want you to understand this IT IS IN ALL THINGS YOU THOUGHTS AND WORDS CREATE YOUR LIFE! Thinking poorly about another can and will affect that relationship. Thinking something as simple as receiving poor service at a restaurant will attract that situation. Catch yourself, retrain yourself how to think and relearn how to be the master creator you truly are! Think love and be the love that you are to yourself and others! ~ We are the Counsil of Seven Channeled 10/25/11 Kili Amma

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Message From The Divine Mother 9/25/2011

Beloveds we are here to share with you the upcoming changes in this new moon cycle with the comet Elenin coming in. We ask that you connect with the Unity Grid and send love and peace to counter balance the fear based thoughts before they manifest. For those of you that are the front runners you are heading into a major shift, you will be passing thru the eye of the needle and coming out on the other side. Physically you will not feel anything different, you will notice a few changes in appetite, a few energy surges, the usual ascension symptoms. But mentally, psychically, emotionally and wholeness wise, you will feel the difference. You will find that you are able to connect more completely. The information you receive will be clear, you will not be fighting as much to receive the information and as you stay on the positive and loving thought levels, you will se that alll your dreams will manifest and manifest quickly. You will see that your faith and hope was not in vain and you will start reaping your harvest. As always, be patient with yourself as you go thru these changes. Be sure to reconnect to your heart space anytime you are feeling anything that is not love. Remember to call on us for anything that you may require. And thru this shift remember you are love, you are loved, you are whole, and I love you. Namaste'

Divine Mother
channeled by Kili' Amma

Divine Mother

Monday, September 5, 2011

Archangel Michael on Upcoming Changes 9/5/2011

There are going to be many earth changes over the next several months. Beloved Gaia is realigning her energies, much as your bodies are being realigned as well. Just as your full dna is being activated to support your higher vibration, energy grids that run through the earth are being shifted, realigned and reactivated to support a higher dimensional vibration for the planet. As the vibrations rise, that which no longer resonates will collapse and fall away. That includes financial systems, governments, world leaders, healthcare systems, all the way down to your local governments and even religious systems and yes, some land masses as well. We are telling you this so you are aware of what is happening, not to make you fear. There is no reason to fear. The old ways must fall so that the new harmonic ways may be re~established. This will not be something that will happen “overnight” as you say, but it will be a quick shift, a few years instead of centuries. The fore runners are in place, waiting for the Divine time to start showing the way. Those that needed to wrap up their karmic ties before stepping into position are doing so. Many of you are seeing drastic changes at this moment. Loss of homes, jobs, belongings, loved ones are happening everywhere. Beloveds we want you to know that this is not happening as a punishment to you, this is a time for releasing that which not longer serves you or the world. Please, we ask that you call on us for assistance, we wish to help you in any way we can, but you MUST ask first. We also ask you to focus on the desired outcome versus the events surrounding it. This will enable us to bring the highest possible outcome. Remember you are Divinely protected, ask and you shall receive.

Archangel Michael
channeled by Kili Amma

Monday, August 15, 2011

A Message from Archangel Michael

Beloveds we are with you today to discuss the changes and the energy shifts that are going on at this particular point in time. Right now with the way the planets are lined up there's been very strong energy, very agitated energy and this will continue on for several more weeks. Right now we are in the middle of a trine, three planets that are causing the most dramatic chaos with relationships and with just dealing with one another. We ask of you please, before you speak, think, in any situation whether it's with a friend, with a lover, with a coworker or with someone you run into at the store. Practice love, practice patience. Everyone is releasing and bringing up all this negative stuck emotions and that is what this planetary line up is for right now. Be patient with everyone. The more that you focus on the negative, the more negative that you throw out there, the more it's going to affect the Unity grid, the more it's going to affect the Christ Consciousness grid. The thoughts we think, the words we say, create your reality. And as you can see by the fires in London, the riots in London, the more chaos, the more chaotic thoughts, the more chaos ensues. We ask all of you to stay in your heart space. There are going to be many, many, many more uprisings all over the world. Everyone involved in it came here to participate in that situation, however, part of the learning process, was to learn to come from the heart and not to turn to the chaos. So we ask those of you who are awake enough to control your thoughts, to think positive. Anytime you have any of the negativity rising again, go into your heart space, look at the situation, forgive the person involved, forgive yourself, send out love, send out gratitude. This is imperative in order to make it though these changes that are coming up and this is going to continue on a few more years. We want you to know that if you are faltering, that if you are needing help, call on us, we are here. We love you unconditionally. Ask and we will be there for you.

~ Archangel Michael
channeled 8/10/2011 on

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Flow and Manifestation

Beloveds, we understand your frustration with manifesting your dreams. Quit trying to MAKE things happen. It does not work that way anymore. Ask for what it is you want, see it, feel it, taste it, smell it. Hold this vision and wait...When the time is right, you will be guided to take the first steps. There will be a synchronicity of events that will set things up. Be patient and KNOW that the Universe is conspiring FOR you! This is being in the flow. If you do this, you will see your dreams take off! Remember to keep your thoughts focused on the positive, what you think you create, and now your thoughts are manifesting faster than ever. We would also like to remind you to be specific and do NOT force it! Be patient beloveds for you are creating your wildest dreams!

~ Divine Mother

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Forgiveness & Creation – The Counsel of Seven

Beloveds, we are here to discuss your freedom. Your mental and emotional freedom. What is this you ask? Don't I have free will? To this we say yes, beloveds you DO have free will. We just wish to give you a little assistance. As you are aware, forgiveness is the key to emotional and mental freedom. You MUST forgive yourself and the beings you are holding this emotional charge for. We hear you say, “I've released it, I forgave and yet I still keep thinking about it.” We would like to say to you that if there is still an emotional charge, then you have not released yourself or the other being. Might we suggest, that instead of holding on to the memory of the hurt, take a breath and think, why does this keep coming up? Then truly meditate on it and forgive and thank every being involved, including yourself. Remember, you and everyone involved agreed to experience that particular situation so that all beings involved could learn a lesson. Once you are able to look back on a situation and feel no negative emotional charge, you are free! With that freedom, you will be able to live by creation instead of re~creation. Begin focusing on what you would like to have happen and don't get caught up in the details. Be specific on what you want, but leave it to the Divine to bring it to you. For example, say you want to go on vacation. Focus on where you want to go and what you wish to do, feel the joy and gratitude. Do not focus on how the money for the trip will show up or how it is going to happen. Beloveds, when you focus on how something is going to work out, it puts limitations on how we can fulfill your wish. Why limit yourself, when the Divine is unlimited. We WANT to assist you. That is WHY we are with you. Just ask for what you want and KNOW you have been heard and you will receive it in Divine timing. As you clear yourself of negative thought processes and unforgiveness, you will see that you are more in the flow of creation and your dreams are unfolding!

~ The Counsel of Seven

Forgiveness Meditation
(Ho'oponopono based)

Close your eyes and focus on the recurring memory. Look at it from all sides, see everyone's point of view. Now look for your lesson, you will know it when you find it. Then Take a few moments to connect with everyone involved. Focusing one at a time. Say (a whisper is ok, but there does needs to be sound vibration involved) “ ________ I'm sorry, please forgive me, I thank you and I love you.” Feel your heart get repeat until you can feel your heart is clear. Do this for everyone involved, including yourself, especially yourself! Now, if you continue to think these thoughts, keep doing it. There is usually something that has been missed and this is your soul's way of bringing it to the surface to be cleansed. You will know when you have truly released and forgiven when you revisit the memory and there is no longer an emotional charge. Be patient with yourself, this will take time!

Kelly Murphy

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Message to My Fellow Way-showers

Fellow Way~showers, warriors, light~workers of the world ~ the time is now! It is time to get past our fears and start doing what we came here to do. The old paradigm is fading, old beliefs are no longer acceptable. This is a NEW WORLD we are stepping into and we are the ones to show the way. We really need to connect and be present with the Divine, opening both our hearts and minds. Learn to trust your intuition and follow it's guidance for it truly is the voice of your I AM presence. Time is speeding up, lessons that would have taken a year to learn through experience are taking less than a week. We as a group are awakening at record speed and we are the ones to show the way. Most of what we know about god and the planet's history is not truth or is old information that will not work in our new paradigm. Discernment is necessary, listen to your heart and feel if the information you are receiving is truth. You can tell the difference as you sit at a lecture, watch a video, read a book or a post online, the energy is flat, there's no movement. That is when you need to take a moment to connect to the Divine and ask “what is the lesson here?” Listen to that voice, it is the voice of truth, the confirmation is in your heart. You also know in your heart what you need to do. Many of us have spent so much time saying “I don't know what I'm here for. I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing!” all the while the voice of truth keeps quietly repeating the answer and fear blocks it from registering. Take a step out of your comfort zone and just do it! We are supported now, there really is nothing to fear. Share your light, share your love, share your “gifts”, share your insights! The world needs you! Show the way! We really ARE the ones we've been waiting for!

Namaste ~ <3 ~

Kili'Amma (Kelly Murphy)


Friday, June 10, 2011

A Message From The Divine Mother

Beloveds, we know that many of you are having a difficult time with the energy shifts that are occurring on the planet at this time. For some there is sleeplessness, anxiety, nausea, restlessness, exhaustion, tightness in your chest and jittery. There will be many situations that you find uncomfortable, ground yourself well and know that this too shall pass. The earth and everyone upon it are ascending, one way or the other. Some may choose to cross over, that is their choice, do not despair for them, for they are helping in spirit. Many have chosen to be here to experience the great shift and help to assist. With this shift your bodies will be changing, your dna will be fully activated, you will begin to remember who you are. These changes can be dramatic or merely uncomfortable, depending on where you are on your path. During this time, be gentle to yourself. Make sure you eat well, include some fresh vegetables and fruit, and drink plenty of water. Be sure to rest when your body needs it and stretch out your muscles to help the energy flow smoothly. Clear your space daily. The energy is moving fast now, shifting frequently, clearing your space will help the flow and ease your physical symptoms. During this shifting, grounding is a must! Many of you are finding that grounding in the usual way is not working. That is because beloved Gaia is also shifting. Now is the time to ground into your heart, your god~light. Just close your eyes and breathe in light, breathe out love. Now see and feel yourself entering your heart space, feel the light, feel the love. See the golden pink lotus in the center of your heart focus on that energy and feel it spread thru your body. Feel the peace, feel the love. Keep breathing in light and breathing out love until you feel steady and comfortable. Now send your grounding chord into the center of the lotus, feel the joy of the reconnection! And breathe...

~ I send my love and blessings to you all, I am the Divine Mother

Channeled by Kelly Murphy 6/9/11

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Awakening

Around the age of 20, I ended a 4 year relationship and took off for Cincinnati. For many years I was caught up in working for a living, making huge relationship mistakes and drowning my sorrows in alcohol along with other things. When I was around 27 I met a guy at work who was from California. He reintroduced me to rocks and crystals, which I am extremely grateful for. Somehow I had lost that connection to mother earth. When I was a kid, much to my parents dismay, I would always collect rocks while we were camping and hiking in Alaska. I guess when I dived into the 3d earth in my teens, I lost that connection. Anyway, after the relationship ended, I met a woman at work who taught me more about crystals and planted the seeds for my awakening. She was from a Native American background and brought me into a deeper study of crystals, clearing out stress with burning sage, and turned me onto some pretty cool books. He Walked the Americas had stories from Native American tribes about Jesus, not necessarily using that name, but the same being none the less. That kind of helped me to get out of my dogma. Love is in the Earth is still a book I use for references to crystal healing, very informative! Animal speaks taught me how to understand messages from the animal kingdom, such as hawk meaning you're about to get a message and cardinal could mean either get in touch with your feminine side or some one close to you is trying to get your attention. Through her I was introduced to Native American beliefs and practices, not to mention a very cool shop in Milford, Oh. called Spirit Wind. They had the usual, rocks & crystals, sage, incense, awesome native music, etc and an energy healer. I asked questions about the healings, but still being stuck in my Christian dogma, I was afraid of it (kinda funny looking back all things considered, lol). She also taught me about medicine bags and made me my first one. Our friendship faded due to drama at work, but I am ever so grateful for the seeds she planted!

When I was around 30, I had my first paradigm quake. I was a devout Christian at this point. Went to church twice a week, mainly for the music. I listened to Christian radio, watched and read Joyce Meyer, bought cd’s by Third Day, Rich Mullins, Counting Crowns. I was SAVED! Amen! Now I wasn’t one to wear skirts and all that stuff, actually I wore my Renaissance Costume there a few times (I was a wench, lol). I also carried a medicine bag and a few handfuls of crystals. Needless to say, it was a rather progressive church. Solely focused on God’s love, no fire and brimstone, no condemnation, just love and a rockin band.

During the sermons I noticed the pastor used verses from many different versions of the bible. Curiosity got me, so I went to the bible store and compared a few verses between versions and noticed some broad differences. That was when I started collecting bibles. I had to compare everything I read in several versions. Then I found the lost books of the bible. Most of what I read in there felt true, like love, joy. I knew in my heart something in me shifted. Everyday after I did my daily study, I would curl up in my big comfy chair to pray, Joyce Meyer told me I didn‘t have to kneel. I would calm my breath, try ever so hard to focus, and beg Jesus to make me his instrument, let me be his hands and feet, where ever you need me let me be there, and on and on…So one day I shut up and listened. Really listened. I knew I was talking to Jesus, I felt it in my heart. It took a bit to be able to still myself enough to hear, but I did. He would lead me to certain scriptures so I could learn the difference between what he really said and what the church/ruling parties changed in order to control the masses. That was a real eye opener! Everything he pointed out to me was about love, compassion and going within to contact the Divine. He showed me that every time one of the apostles would mention him taking a leadership role, he would tell him that’s not what he came here to do. There were several scriptures that he would draw me to that showed his disagreement with religions (sorry, over the years, I’ve forgotten the verses, one of the that comes to mind is when he went to the temple and overturned the money changers booths). Through this Jesus taught me “take what you need and leave the rest”.

I was still going to church through this time, taking what I needed and leaving the rest. My pastor  was awesome, you could see the Divine love in his eyes. If you’re in Cincinnati the church I went to was the Mason Vineyard on route 42. I would go to the big one in Tri- county just for the music, their band rocked!

When I was 31 I decided to open a flea market shop. I carried oil burners, oils, candles and holders, crosses, angels, dragons along with other knick nacks. While I was there I met an older man and fell for him hard and fast, talk about a soulmate reunion! Within a couple of months we moved in together and combined our booths for cheaper rent. He sold rocks, crystals and fossils. He followed Native American beliefs, well as long as it served him, anyway. I learned quite a bit from him so far as crystals went and he helped to make my foundations and shift my paradigm. While I was with him he introduced my to the pagan community, you can only imagine the mental freak out I was having as I listened to a wide varieties of beliefs that were not part of my Christian dogma. One day while I was alone at the flea market, I met a woman who had just started on a wiccan path. We talked for hours and she recommended a book called Witchcrafting by Phyllis Curott that told of the story of Lilith, the woman who was created before Eve, yet another story omitted from the bible. This of course got me searching other scriptures from other religions for Lilith because I needed confirmation. (If you are not familiar with Lilith, please google her). I started really studying other faiths at this point and began talking with my mate about opening a shop. He of course was leaning more toward that scary pagan stuff, I was wanting to have it as a place for all faiths including Christian since I was still in that mind set. That of course did not happen…

Not too long after that I took a vacation to Pensacola. While I was down here I found my way to the Earth Day festival and had my first aura photo taken. Keep in mind, I was still holding onto my Christian fears, but something made me do it ;) . Dale gave me a very interesting reading that was very accurate and got me more interested in metaphysics. They also had some interesting books and I purchased my first new age book 2012 You Have a Choice by Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa. Janis was selling the books and also had something called Egyptian Healing Rods, I was too fearful to try them (kinda funny looking back since I now own a pair and find them to be very effective). I started reading the book while I was down here, but didn’t get very far. When I got back to Cincinnati, I discovered that the guy I was so in love with had cheated on me and I decided I needed to start over. I was devastated, but now I know it was all about clearing some karma. So I moved to Pensacola mainly because my folks had a house down there and they let me move in. I spent the first week recovering from my heartbreak and reading that book. In it there was a section talking about manifestation and how your thought create what happens. At the time I was soaking up some sun on the beach, and I thought to myself that sound like bs to me. A few seconds later a flock of seagulls flew over and crapped on the book. LOL! That got my attention! I continued reading and doing some of the meditations in the book. When I finished it, I was starving for more information, so I went to the new age shop downtown. While I was there I got my first reading by Graybear, who was very accurate about my past, and as it turned out, my future as well. I also bought a ton of books, many by Ted Andrews, he was a great teacher, I highly recommend his books. I devoured everything I read and as I prayed/meditated on what I was reading, I got that feeling of joy and truth. (As a side note, since there wasn't a Vineyard church down here and my beliefs were shifting, I quit going to church.) And of course, as all of us who have just awakened feel, I had to share and help others to awaken and find their path. That was when I decided I would open a shop for people of all paths, pagan, Christian, wiccan, whatever. I wanted a place free of prejudice and filled with love. After a few months of searching, I found the perfect spot, cleared out my retirement and opened Indigo Skies…

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Begining...

I’ll be honest, I’m a little nervous about starting this. I have procrastinated to the point my Divine helpers are about to get the 2x4’s out, lol! This blog is more or less the story of my awakening…

So  I guess I need to start at the beginning.  I didn’t realize the beginning meant the beginning of this lifetime, lol. I was born in Orlando, Fl. under the sign of Cancer (now Gemini). My folks unknowingly gave me 2 warrior names to go with my warrior last name.  Apparently I had changed my mind about coming here because I almost died right after birth. The doctors didn’t get all the mucus out and I got an extended stay in ICU, where I apparently decided I would stay and do what I came here to do.

When I was a kid I always “knew” things. I knew when my grandpa went into the hospital. I knew when one of my close friend drowned when we were 7.  I’d even just know about some big event on the news before it happened. Whenever I told my parents they would look at me funny and tell me I was weird or making it up. Sometimes they’d tell me not to say anything about it. Most of the time they’d just ignore it. It wasn't that they didn't care, they just didn't want to believe I could know things like that and they did not know how to handle it.

I never realized I was different from most kids until my friend Paul died. He was a good friend, lived 2 doors down from us. He had snuck out to go swimming and slipped on a rock and hit his head. His family thought he was in his room since he was on restriction. I don’t think they ever forgave themselves. Anyway, my mom and I were on our way home and I saw and ambulance turning at the stop sign in front of us. I screamed “Mom it’s Paul he’s dying!”. She tried to calm me down and tell me it wasn’t, but I KNEW. When we got home Paul’s dad and brother were on their way to the hospital and quickly told my mom what happened. We went inside and while later the phone rang to tell us he didn’t make it. I knew because he came to color with me one last time before he crossed. When we went to the funeral, I asked my friends if they had talked to him before he crossed, and they looked at me as if I were strange. That was when I learned that sharing things like that was bad, so, I quit talking about it.

When I was little I used to have really vivid dreams. Many of them were of dark pagan rituals. In the dreams I would fly out of the house and meet with a group of kids I never knew in my waking time. They were physical beings while I was traveling in my light body. Three of the boys were brothers and their father was the leader (priest) in the ritual. I would always “jump” into the younger one to protect him from the abuse perpetrated during these rituals. His spirit was in there too, it was like I was his shield. This went on into my early teens. I could never remember the “dreams” sometimes I would remember bits and pieces of it, but my mind blocked most of it. It seems as though it was always in a grove or orchard. They would feed us something that looked like poop on a cracker (yes poop). It had to have been some type of hallucinogen. There was always a man dressed as the pagan god Pan who was making us eat it. That was the one thing I always remembered. Sometimes I told my parents about it, but of course they blew it off as my wild imagination. Around the age of 14 it seems, the dreams ceased. Around that time,I met a boy who became a very close friend. He would give me a massage while we were skipping gym (not actual cutting, just "forgetting" to bring gym uniforms). I didn‘t realize at the time, but he was actually performing a healing and cleansing on me to remove the energies of my night sojourns. He would always start talking to me kind of low as he worked, friends sitting around us could never hear what was being said and would ask me, but I had no recollection. I just remember feeling so much lighter and joyful afterward.Not to mention the nightmares ending.

Throughout my schooling I took creative writing courses. I loved to write! Especially short stories. In elementary school I would go into my room and talk to my invisible friends (my family always said I talked to myself ;) Then I would just start writing these fantastic highly detailed stories. I actually saw myself as the main character, living that story, almost as though it was just a memory. I realize now, of course, it was a memory of a past life.

While I did continue to have some psychic weirdness moments in high school, they started fading out, or I stopped paying attention. I guess that’s around the time most of us Indigos were programmed to the best of societies’ ability.