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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

St. Germain February 22, 2012 Part 1

This is part 1 of a channeling I did on my weekly channeling show The audio was unfortunately unbearable, but the message is important. My apologies for the time it has taken to transcribe and post...

Dear Ones it has been a while since we have talked, no? There are so many changes coming in this year, so many changes in your personal and in the world. Many of you may be struggling with the shifts that have come in over the last few weeks, which is a continuation of the changes from last year and this will continue on throughout the year until we reach the winter solstice. And then all of the choices that have been made by all of the beings on this planet up until that time will give us our final destination so far as the shift. We know we have given you many possibilities and probabilities, there are so many energies active at this time and so many people, so many be~ ings that are playing a part in this activity that the energy shifts constantly. That is why, in our messages we emphasize the importance of your thoughts, and your actions, and your deeds. You are creating your world, you are creating your future, the future for all of you as a group collective, weather or not you are aware. Every single one of your thoughts affects the group consciousness of the entire planet. And while you think that you are in a peaceful area and you're not worried about wars, discrimination, any world violence or anything else that's going on, realize that this can affect you as well. Focus your thoughts on peace across the world, not just in your back yard. We are not saying to go out and actively fight across the world, we are saying direct your thoughts toward peace and love across the world. That will make more of a difference than doing, doing anything in physical form. We ask that groups of you gather together to do this, to meditate, to have group healing circles for the planet, for certain areas of the world, for those that are having the most dis~ease, conflict, anything that is not of love & light. In these areas you must focus your energies of love and light on, to help assist the be~ings who are living in these areas. By doing this, this will help to shift the outcome in the physical for the entire world. Know that as we are in the beginning stages of this final phase, before the new age, realize that the shifts and changes are coming faster and faster. As the planet raises in it's ascension, as every be~ing on this planet lifts its vibration, each and every one of you are creating faster. Many of you are finding that your thoughts are materializing almost instantaneously. This is the way, that it had been. We had placed blocks because there was such a separation between you and your higher self, you needed this (block) for your own protection and for the involvement with creating in the world. The separation, it is time for it to be ending, it is time for each and every being on this planet to realize that they are inter~connected, that we are all one. Many of you listen to these channelings and think that we alone are the masters that we know more than you do. That is not the case, each and every one of you are a master. You are finding your way back to your mastership. And that is what this year is about! Finding your own way, finding your whole self and bringing all those pieces together so you can be the super you that you are, to be the god or goddess that you are, to be the Master that you are! Many of you have found your path, have found your way, for this particular space. Know that this will not stay set, know that your path will come upon turns and twists...on this journey listen to your own intuition. This is going to become imperative, it already has become imperative for you to listen to your intuition. We are giving you more and more information on a daily basis. We are allowing ourselves to be heard more and more, and it is up to each and every one of you, as that individual spark of light to tune in and to listen to your higher self. We are here to assist you on your path, to give you guidance, but you also have to know in your heart of hearts that which is your truth, that which is your path, that which is what your book of the entire universe is going to be about, and only you can know that. There are many who may laugh, there are many who may hate but you are truly the only person who know exactly what it is that you are here for. It is important for you to realize that there are many out there, especially at this time that will tell you “oh, you”re supposed to do this, or oh you're supposed to do that. You're supposed to be working on being a healer, you're supposed to be working on doing readings, you're supposed to be working with crystals, you're supposed to be working with this or that.” There is no one one who can tell you what it is that YOU are here to do. You Dear One are an en~lightened be~ingthru visualization. Make sure you give yourself time, even if you only have 15 minutes , take the time. By doing that you are igniting your soul. By igniting your soul, your igniting your spirituality. By igniting your spirituality you're igniting god light. By igniting your god light you are becoming creator.

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