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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Choices, Choices, Choices

For many of us adult indigos, life has been very interesting to say the least. So many of us have chosen such difficult lives. There are many who would say I didn't choose this, but though our choices, we have. Everything in our lives is the result of previous choices. From our relationships, living conditions, incomes, everything is the result of choices we have made. As we awaken to our spiritual path, we begin to realize that we can change this. We realize that we can make better choices and we can let go of things/people that no longer serve our highest good. As we move forward and see the inter~connectedness of our lives, we can change it.
For years, I personally have been living from a victim mindset. It was how I was raised to think. I thought bad stuff just happened to me and I wasn't worthy of anything better. I never attracted the right guy, one who would show me he loved me for me, instead I always had the ones who would chew me up and spit me out when they had taken all they could. Many of the people I had called friends over the years were the same way and would take what they could from me, but would not be there when I needed them. I would give until I had nothing left to give, and then they would leave, usually with hate filled words and a few times with physical abuse. I had thought that was just the way it is. (I am so glad I am over that!) It was a lesson I needed to learn in order to progress on my path and to be able to help others along on theirs. Of course, being an indigo, I had to experience it a few more times before I got it through my stubborn head that this is not love, not of love, and therefore unnecessary in my life. When I finally got it, I was able to start shifting my life and those who are in it. I started asking my guides & angels for help in revealing the reasons/causes/whatever was bringing the people/situations into my life. Boy did they! I then had to take responsibility for my choices and my life. The first thing I had to do was work with Archangel Michael and cut cords.(Doreen Virtue has an awesome Angel Medicine meditation that helps with this. I have also done a few Energy Transmisson meditations with him as well, they are on my BTR & Youtube channels) After cutting the cords, I was led to Ho'oponopono, which is an awesome Hawaiian practice of forgiveness for yourself, others, and the situation. Neither of these are a quick fix. Both must be practiced regularly until you feel released. Many situations I was able to work through the first time, but I am sure you will find that some things keep coming up and you have to keep working on it, forgiving, loving and releasing until you feel that shift. Once you feel it, you will be so light that all the releasing will be worth it (promise). Through doing this you will also be awakened to the choices that brought you here, along with the thought patterns that shape your life. Many of those thought patterns you were taught growing up by the ones who raised you. Realizing the source is part of the battle, forgiveness is the next part, followed by recreating you. For many this begins with realizing you are worthy. You do matter. You are where you need to be at this point and time. You are a beautiful Divine creation and absolutely perfect in the Creator's mind and you are loved wholly and unconditionally. Now, this is where the fun begins, lol.  

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