Saturday, August 18, 2012
Handcrafted medicine bags by Kili Amma
Check out my website! Free shipping all orders over $25 now thru Labor Day! Crystals, medicine bags, chakra bags, wire wrapped jewelry, beaded gemstone jewelry, crystal grid kits and more! Handcrafted medicine bags by Kili Amma
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Divinely Inspired Jewelry & More
Check out my handcrafted jewelry, crystal keep shop and spiritual tools. $5 shipping US and Canada Divinely Inspired Jewelry & More
Friday, May 4, 2012
Crazy Energies and the Counsil of Seven
On Wednesday's “Channelings From the
Divine”, The Divine Mother had mentioned that the next 6 weeks were
going to be chaotic energetically. After experiencing a severe
headache Wednesday night that knocked me out for 11 hours, foods I
regularly eat disagreeing with me, followed by another 12 hours of
sleep, extreme sensitivity to emotions (mine and others), and weird
tinglings here and there, some felt like acupuncture, I decided to
ask the “unseens” what was going on. First and foremost I (we if
it fits you too) are not going crazy! Yay! And our bodies are not
possessed (unless of course yours is in which I would regain
possession, just saying ;) We are however changing dramatically
inside. This is the information I received from the Counsil of Seven:
Dear ones,
There are many energetic shifts coming
thru at this time. For many who are the front runners this energy is
hitting you hard right now. These shifts are altering your physical
vessels severely. Your 12 strands of dna are being fully activated.
Energy centers that have been closed/blocked are being cleared and
activated. Your brain is being rewired to enable the de~calcification
of the pineal gland. You are transforming into a fifth dimensional
being as we speak. With this comes physical symptoms such as
exhaustion, inability to concentrate or focus, “seeing things”
glimpses thru the veil (seeing ghosts, angels, colors, etc), change
of diet, and extreme restlessness with life. It is necessary at this
time for you to rest your body. SLEEP. This is what the physical
vessel requires for this reboot. We know there are many of you who
push your bodies and minds too hard and will fight this, with love we
ask you to rest for your own comfort and ease of shift, for your body
does require it...
During the next 6 weeks the energies
will be shifting constantly and emotions will run high. For all of
these energetic and physical changes to be made, the body must
release it's toxins, including toxic emotions. Know that every being
on this planet is going thru these cellular changes, be gentle with
each other. If tensions run high take a few moments and breathe and
think before reacting. You have that choice to react in anger and
magnify anger energy, or react in love and dissipate it. This is a
time when it is extremely important to find YOUR balance and take
care of YOU first. You are here for a reason and you cannot be of
service if you are in need of service.
In Light,
The Counsil of Seven
I hope this information helps you to
understand the shifts that you are going through and by all means
seek medical attention if necessary.
Kili Amma
channeled message,
counsil of seven,
divine mother,
energy transmission,
Indigo Adult,
Kili Amma,
quantum healing,
vibrational healing
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
St. Germain February 22, 2012 Part 1
This is part 1 of a channeling I did on my weekly channeling show The audio was unfortunately unbearable, but the message is important. My apologies for the time it has taken to transcribe and post...
Dear Ones it has been a while since we
have talked, no? There are so many changes coming in this year, so
many changes in your personal and in the world. Many of you may be
struggling with the shifts that have come in over the last few weeks,
which is a continuation of the changes from last year and this will
continue on throughout the year until we reach the winter solstice.
And then all of the choices that have been made by all of the beings
on this planet up until that time will give us our final destination
so far as the shift. We know we have given you many possibilities and
probabilities, there are so many energies active at this time and so
many people, so many be~ ings that are playing a part in this activity
that the energy shifts constantly. That is why, in our messages we
emphasize the importance of your thoughts, and your actions, and your
deeds. You are creating your world, you are creating your future, the
future for all of you as a group collective, weather or not you are
aware. Every single one of your thoughts affects the group
consciousness of the entire planet. And while you think that you are
in a peaceful area and you're not worried about wars, discrimination,
any world violence or anything else that's going on, realize that
this can affect you as well. Focus your thoughts on peace across the
world, not just in your back yard. We are not saying to go out and
actively fight across the world, we are saying direct your thoughts
toward peace and love across the world. That will make more of a
difference than doing, doing anything in physical form. We ask that
groups of you gather together to do this, to meditate, to have group
healing circles for the planet, for certain areas of the world, for
those that are having the most dis~ease, conflict, anything that is
not of love & light. In these areas you must focus your energies
of love and light on, to help assist the be~ings who are living in
these areas. By doing this, this will help to shift the outcome in
the physical for the entire world. Know that as we are in the
beginning stages of this final phase, before the new age, realize
that the shifts and changes are coming faster and faster. As the
planet raises in it's ascension, as every be~ing on this planet lifts
its vibration, each and every one of you are creating faster. Many of
you are finding that your thoughts are materializing almost
instantaneously. This is the way, that it had been. We had placed
blocks because there was such a separation between you and your
higher self, you needed this (block) for your own protection and for
the involvement with creating in the world. The separation, it is
time for it to be ending, it is time for each and every being on this
planet to realize that they are inter~connected, that we are all one.
Many of you listen to these channelings and think that we alone are
the masters that we know more than you do. That is not the case, each
and every one of you are a master. You are finding your way back to
your mastership. And that is what this year is about! Finding your
own way, finding your whole self and bringing all those pieces
together so you can be the super you that you are, to be the god or
goddess that you are, to be the Master that you are! Many of you have
found your path, have found your way, for this particular space. Know
that this will not stay set, know that your path will come upon turns
and twists...on this journey listen to your own
intuition. This is going to become imperative, it already has become
imperative for you to listen to your intuition. We are giving you
more and more information on a daily basis. We are allowing ourselves
to be heard more and more, and it is up to each and every one of you,
as that individual spark of light to tune in and to listen to your
higher self. We are here to assist you on your path, to give you
guidance, but you also have to know in your heart of hearts that
which is your truth, that which is your path, that which is what your
book of the entire universe is going to be about, and only you can
know that. There are many who may laugh, there are many who may hate
but you are truly the only person who know exactly what it is that
you are here for. It is important for you to realize that there are
many out there, especially at this time that will tell you “oh,
you”re supposed to do this, or oh you're supposed to do that.
You're supposed to be working on being a healer, you're supposed to
be working on doing readings, you're supposed to be working with
crystals, you're supposed to be working with this or that.” There
is no one one who can tell you what it is that YOU are here to do.
You Dear One are an en~lightened be~ingthru visualization. Make sure you give yourself time, even if you
only have 15 minutes , take the time. By doing that you are igniting
your soul. By igniting your soul, your igniting your spirituality. By
igniting your spirituality you're igniting god light. By igniting
your god light you are becoming creator.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
The Divine Mother on Relationships
Beloveds, today we are her to speak
with you about relationships. Relationships with friends, family, and
lovers. We know that for most of you this is a hard topic. For so
many lifetimes you have descended into the darkness to experience
that which you are not. You are Love. In order for you to feel this
you had to lower your vibration enough to disconnect yourself from
the Love that you are. Through many lifetimes you have taken turns
being all personalities, all sides of a relationship. You have been
both the loved and unloved, victim and victimizer, dominant and
submissive. Now beloveds is the time to assimilate all you have
learned and become the love that you are. Stand true to yourself.
Stand in your heart and know that you are love and worthy of love. If
you are in a toxic relationship, now is the time to stand your
ground. How can you grow to your fullest potential when you are
holding yourself back?
Many of you who have chosen to come in
as a female this lifetime are working through all the emotional and
energetic purging of lifetimes of mistreatment. With the Divine
Feminine energies fully open and balancing throughout the planet, the
females of the planet must also find their balance and release all
the dominating masculine influence. This means that you MUST stand in
your own power. Claim your divinity. Release the old relationship
patterns. You are a Divine Goddess! If you find yourself in a
relationship that is draining you, making you second guess yourself,
or disrespectful, it is time to find that beautiful Goddess inside
you and take a stand! The feminine has been suppressed since the fall
of Atlantian times. Women were turned into lower class beings by the
imbalance of masculine power. Through this many atrocities have been
committed. Women must be brought back to their equality especially in
There are many men who have incarnated
at this this that are also trying to find their balance. The old
dominating ways are not working anymore. Women are standing on their
own two feet and not taking the games men have been playing with them
for ages. Now is the time for the Divine Masculine to fully support
the Divine Feminine and vice versa.
For a good relationship there MUST be
equality and respect. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
Show love and compassion. Think of the other person and put yourself
in their shoes as you say. If you would not like to be treated the
way you treat others, why would you expect them to like it? Everyone
you meet is another you. Treat them with the same love and respect
you expect. Always come from your heart, but balance it with you
mind. We ask that in all relationships you put yourself first, not in
a selfish way, but take care of you before you take care of others.
Relationships are based on love,
caring, respect, and mutual interests. They are not manipulative,
full of distrust, harsh words, disrespect or abuse. Listen to your
friend, lover, partner...really listen and hear what they are saying.
That is the relating part of relationships. Be good to each other and
love one another.
Divine Mother
Sunday, January 15, 2012
A Message I Received Regarding Twin Flames
is part of some personal information I was given a few months back. I
was asking about my Twin Flame, because it seemed our meeting time
had been postponed...again. After re~reading it a few minutes ago, I
realized that the answer given me from my guides was something others
may benefit from. While they did explain that everything is still on
track, no worries, but we're keeping the 2 of you separate until you
are standing in your own light. It will not work otherwise. Twin
Flames MUST be equal pillars when they reunite, otherwise it can be
toxic. Love the one your with, it's ok. Just remember you are your
own person, you belong to you, you are the key to your own joy,
peace, happiness, success. If you are suddenly having abnormally
strong emotions about someone or something, take a few minutes to
meditate on it. Do not disregard anything that comes to mind. Feel
out the truth of that thought or idea, feel it in your heart. You
will know if the thought is truth or not. Do not be surprised if what
comes up is a past life memory, forgive, send some infinite love and
gratitude and release. Free yourself, free your mind, free your life!
is the time for clearing up all lives on earth.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Channelings From the Divine 01/11 by Kili Amma | Blog Talk Radio
Great message from Archangel Michael yesterday! He discussec many of the upcoming earth changes, shifts in consciousness, and tips for ascension.
Channelings From the Divine 01/11 by Kili Amma | Blog Talk Radio
Channelings From the Divine 01/11 by Kili Amma | Blog Talk Radio
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Channelings From the Divine 12/28 by Kili Amma | Blog Talk Radio
This week's message is from the Divine Mother speaking about the major planetary shifts and the battle lightworkers are having with the darkness. At minute 14 The Divine Mother walks us through breaking contracts with any entity not of the light. This will also be on my website
I pray the information that has come through will assist you on your path. Namaste
Channelings From the Divine 12/28 by Kili Amma | Blog Talk Radio
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