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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ascension Symptoms my personal account

As you may know, I do a weekly channeling show on btr after the show today, as I started to walk down to the beach I started to feel a little funky. Now during the channel today the Divine Mother had informed us about the more intense ascension symptoms that would be coming in as we get closer to the 12/12 gateway. It all seemed like the usual symptoms, chest congestion, sinus issues, hot flashes, etc. although she did say they were going to be more intense. Since I'm used to the symptoms and take them for what they are, I didn't think too much about it, I just figured it would be the same as usual or that for some the ones listening it may be more intense. Lol, not quite! I went back to my car and sat down, laid down really, across the front seat. I called on the Divine Mother “What is happening? Why do I feel so dizzy, weak, and absolutely on fire?” she smiled and replied “Beloved, this is what we were talking about when we said the symptoms would be more intense. Lay back and breathe.” Well, I can tell you, I thought I was dying! I could only lay there as these energies coursed through me. It felt as though my heart would burst, yet my pulse was normal. Sweat was pouring off me, I had already taken my coat off and it was only 50 degrees (F) out! It seemed the world was spinning, which was making me nauseous. I asked all of the unseens for their help to get through this. I felt the Divine Mother holding me, comforting me as I laid there. Then I started toning, first doing Ave Sa (Hail God) breath, breathing in on Ave, exhaling on Sa. That really helped to calm the heart area, as it's meant too. Then I started paying attention to what I was seeing energetically color wise. When it first started there was a kind of swirling rainbow, then as the discomfort increased it turned to a bright red that was flooded with white. After I called for help, the white increased then was mixed with emerald and violet. I focused on my breath and soon all I could see was violet. At this point I realized I had been chanting Om for a while, and continued on. After what seemed like minutes, and was really about two hours, I came fully back into my body (not really realizing I had left until that point). I stretched and walked around for a bit, to make sure I was ok, then went on my merry way. My body feels much lighter now and I can honestly say my heart has never felt so light and free!

~ Kili Amma

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